Read together daily for a short time (at least five times a week) - five minutes is ideal. Use the book brought home from school that will be linked to the phonics they are learning in class. Record the session in the child’s reading diary. This can be a simple sentence explaining how they read or a simple tick / smiley face to indicate the child has read.
Reading the same book several times is expected - this is important to consolidate fluency and understanding. Bug Club books have the advantage of being real books that the children take home whilst also being available online through this link. Online Bug Club allows children to have a book read to them, whilst they follow the text onscreen and take part in activities and questions linked to the text.
Share a bedtime story as part of a routine, following your child’s interests.
Use Tapestry for Parents/Carers to show examples of learning at home
Excellent How-to Videos for Parents/Carers through this link showing how to practice phonics.
Trust Information
Larkrise Primary School is an academy managed by the River Learning Trust which is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with a registered company number 7966500. Tel: 01865 558727 Email: Registered Office: Gosford Hill School, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, OX5 2NT, United Kingdom.
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