
Larkrise Primary SchoolInspire Through Creativity, Kindness and Adventure.

River Learning Trust

Welcome toLarkrise Primary SchoolInspire through Creativity, Kindness and Adventure.

Uniform Information

School Uniform: At Larkrise, we do not have a school uniform. Please help us by sending your children suitable clothes and footwear so that they can learn through play. 


  • Sturdy shoes or trainers - no sandals or strappy footwear
  • Ear studs - no other jewellery can be worn
  • Clear skin and nails - no makeup or nail varnish
  • Sensible clothing for learning - no clothing with inappropriate slogans or strappy low-cut tops


Children will play outside in all weather conditions, so a warm coat and wellies will be needed. We are very keen on ‘Messy Play’, so please be warned that there may be times when your child comes home a little muddy or paint splattered (no best clothes, please). This is an essential part of the early years learning process!


Please also ask that elaborate hair ties and bands not be used, as they can distract other children who are sitting behind children who are wearing these, especially when on the carpet and in assembly. 



PE Kit:

  • PE Bag
  • Larkrise PE T-Shirt
  • Plain Black Shorts
  • Trainers
  • Blue Jumper &  Plain Jogging Trouser in cold weather


PE kits must be in school at all times. It is a crucial part of the school curriculum, and all children need to take part.


We recommend that younger children’s PE kits stay in school for the whole term and be washed in the holidays. 



Please ensure that every item of clothing, including Wellington boots, PE trainers, and school shoes, is named. If things are named, they have a much better chance of getting back to the owner!



Larkrise is a non-uniform school.
