Our Big Questions drive enquiry-led learning journeys for each term. Learning across the curriculum is linked to our values of creativity, kindness and adventure with a strong focus on Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education(PSHCE). These learning journeys help children to understand themselves and their relationships, their community and the wider world.
Our Core Texts stimulate creativity and curiosity, provide opportunities to broaden vocabulary and encourage a desire to read for pleasure. They also expose children to the wider world beyond their classroom, whilst enabling them to see their role within it.
Our curriculum is further enhanced by the opportunities available to a school situated in the world-renowned city of dreaming spires. We use our immediate and local environment for learning outside the classroom, with a wide range of trips, visits, visitors and extra-curricular experiences that provide broad and balanced enrichment.
Long Term
Medium Term
Short Term
Planning for Progress slides are used by teachers to support teaching in individual lessons to ensure they incorporate Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Weekly Timetables show the planned lessons for the week and are shared with all adults working with the year group with links to the 'Planning for Progress' lesson slides and resources.
Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT) means high-quality inclusive teaching together with our continuous whole school processes for assessing, planning, implementing, tracking, monitoring and reviewing your child’s progress.
The following documents sets out our core principles for Inclusive Quality First Teaching at Larkrise.