
Larkrise Primary SchoolInspire Through Creativity, Kindness and Adventure.

River Learning Trust

Welcome toLarkrise Primary SchoolInspire through Creativity, Kindness and Adventure.

Admissions & Open Day

Admissions & Open Day

Thank you for your interest in Larkrise Primary School.


Larkrise Primary School is an Academy managed by the River Learning Trust and, as such, is its own admissions authority. The River Learning Trust has delegated the responsibility for admission arrangements for Larkrise Primary School to the Local Authority, Oxfordshire County Council.


Details on how to apply for a full-time place at Larkrise Primary School, including the appeals process, can be found via the Local Authority Website:


Please click on the relevant folder below to find out how to apply for a Nursery or school place. 

River Learning Trust


A Statement on Flexi-Schooling 


The parent or carer is responsible for ensuring their child receives full-time education at statutory school age. Where a parent or carer educates a child partly at school and partly at home or elsewhere as an expression of parental preference, this is called Flexi-schooling. 


Flexi-schooling must not be confused with elective home education (EHE). Parents and carers have a legal right to choose to home-educate their child, but they do not have a legal right to insist on a flexi-schooling arrangement with a school. The discretion to allow Flexi-schooling rests with the Headteacher.


The River Learning Trust considers that a school is best placed to deliver the complex demands of the National Curriculum. Therefore, Headteachers within our Trust will not support requests for Flexi-Schooling arrangements.
